Case Study: Ginger's Breadboys slings Cookie Kits all across America

Ginger's Breadboys slings Cookie Kits all across America

Ginger's Breadboys Signature Packaging

What is Ginger's Breadboys?

Ginger’s Breadboys is an eCommerce company based in Springfield, VA, specializing in DIY Gingerbread House and Cookie Kits. Created by Virginia Bramante in 2018, her business currently occupies a 300 Sq Ft unit at ReadySpaces Springfield. When her prior warehousing option retired, Virginia knew she had to find a new home for her business.

The Problem

Ginger’s Breadboys may have officially started in 2018, but Virginia’s story has been years in the making. Originally from North Carolina, Virginia moved to the DC area years ago to work on Capitol Hill, where she quickly became known for giving gingerbread cookies to people on Christmas. Fast forwarding a few years, she made tons of gingerbread cookies every year and couldn’t keep up with demand.  

“There were two problems [at that time], I didn’t want to open a bakery, and there was no way to monetize a baked cookie while dealing with packaging, shipping, and fulfillment.” 

At the time, Virginia was taking a course on product management, which prompted her idea to shift to selling cookie kits to keep up with demand. During her class, she could fine-tune her product offering, conduct more research, and carve a path forward for her business. 

“I started talking to bakers to figure out and workshop how it would operate; the biggest issues were how will you source, and how will you pay for it?” 

Ginger's Breadboys Original Signature Cookies

The Solution

After securing a loan for her business, Virginia continued to build on her product offering and found ReadySpaces in February 2022. She originally occupied around 600 Sq Ft while she brought in materials for her business and was able to size down to the size she needed afterward. With her company settled in its new home, Virginia could hire a seasonal team member and focus on the bigger picture of Ginger’s Breadboys.  

The Result

Since starting at ReadySpaces in February, Virginia is gearing up for her first holiday season while at the facility. She has also launched her first follow-up product to her DIY Cookie Kits, with DIY Gingerbread House Cookie Kits.  

Virginia is still working on the next step of her tenured career. Still, she hopes to continue bringing a product of passion, perseverance, and love to happy customers nationwide for years to come.  

Looking to send a DIY Cookie Kit to a loved one, or do you just want one for yourself? Shop Ginger’s Breadboys here


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