The Definitive CoWarehousing Guide: Benefits, Competitors, FAQs, and more

The Definitive Guide to CoWarehousing: Benefits, Competitors, FAQs, and Success Stories

Cowarehousing is a rapidly growing trend, offering businesses a flexible and cost-effective solution for their storage and workspace needs. In this guide, we’ll dive into the benefits, share questions & tips, highlight some inspiring stories from businesses that have partnered with ReadySpaces, and break down what other competitors are out there in the cowarehousing industry.

CoWarehousing Benefits

Cost Savings

Renting warehouse space in a shared facility can be a cost-effective alternative to leasing a traditional warehouse.


Cowarehousing offers flexible lease terms and the ability to scale up or down as your needs change. Without long-term commitment.

Networking Opportunities

Sharing a facility allows you to interact with other like-minded businesses and create valuable networking opportunities and potential partnerships.

Shared Amenity & Resource Access

Cowarehousing facilities often come equipped with essential resources and amenities streamlining operations for all businesses within the facility, such as loading docks, forklifts, and Wi-Fi.

Tips for Successful CoWarehousing

To make the most of your cowarehousing experience, consider the following tips:

Choose the right co-warehousing provider: 

Look for a provider like ReadySpaces that offers a wide range of services, flexible lease terms, and a strong track record of satisfied customers.

Maximize space efficiency: 

Efficiently utilizing your allocated space is crucial for co-warehousing success. Invest in high-quality storage solutions, such as pallet racking and shelving systems, and hire a professional to help with space planning.

Collaborate and communicate with other tenants: 

Open communication and cooperation with fellow tenants can lead to a more productive and enjoyable cowarehousing experience. Sharing best practices, resources, and insights can help everyone in the facility succeed.

Customize your space to fit your needs: 

While cowarehousing spaces are often designed for general use, adapting the area to fit your specific business needs is essential. This may involve adding partitions, installing additional storage systems, or setting up dedicated workstations for your team.

Frequently Asked Questions About CoWarehousing

How much square footage is available?
Warehouse sizes for cowarehousing usually range from 200-5,000 square feet.

How many loading docks are there and what types are they (e.g., dock-high, ground-level)?

This varies from warehouse to warehouse but most offer both dock-high and ground-level loading docks as a standard.

What is the cost per square foot?
While we can’t speak for competitors our pricing is not based on a cost per square foot but is based on other factors like proximity of that warehouse unit to loading docks or whether it has a private loading dock or roll-up door.

What’s included in the lease agreement (utilities, maintenance, etc.)?
Our license fees are all-inclusive other than certain locations where onsite security is required. In those cases a small security fee is added to the rent.

What is the lease duration and what are the terms for renewal?
ReadySpaces asks for an initial 3-month commitment and can go month to month afterwards. This is fairly standard for the industry but a must ask question for business owners.

Are there any zoning or use restrictions?
Yes, ReadySpaces does not allow auto body repair, welding, woodworking, or any types of hazardous gases/fumes/liquids.

Is the warehouse accessible 24/7?
Yes, ReadySpaces facilities are accessible to members 24/7.

What are the responsibilities for insurance on the space?
ReadySpaces requires its members to provide proof of business insurance for move-in.

Success Stories: How ReadySpaces Empowers Businesses

RideFrsh: The Story of the Flyest Air Fresheners on Earth

RideFrsh is a retail and wholesale Air Freshener company founded by Trey Brown and his brother Donovan in 2018.

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Salacious Drinks scales with ReadySpaces

Salacious Drinks is an eCommerce water company based in Springfield, VA, offering premium, eclectic options for customers across the US.

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Isaac from MiniKatana

ReadySpaces Keeps Up With MiniKatana’s Rapid Growth

MiniKatana was founded by Isaac Medeiros and is a specialty eCommerce company focused on selling swords, letter openers, and other blades.

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Slime Fantasies Case Study

Slime Fantasies Growing with ReadySpaces

Slime Fantasies is a business started by Tina Turowski. They produce all of their slimes in-house and have grown considerably in the last year.

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A warehouse for shipping and distribution with many boxes and chairs.

How ShipDif came out of the Pandemic in full swing

ShipDif is a Third Party Logistics company founded in September 2021 by entrepreneur Jordan Whiteley and corporate convert Jake Memmott.

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Feather Furniture

Feather Furniture Rental Expands into New Markets

Founded in 2009 by Jay Reno, Feather is a furniture rental company that is reimagining the way people furnish their living spaces.

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CoWarehousing Competitive Landscape: Stacking Up the Competition

Quality service with a diverse range of amenities, flexible leases, and a variety of warehouse sizes means that ReadySpaces delivers a very high-value product to small businesses. We also have partnered with member 3PL companies at almost all of our locations to offer our members an added service and helping our 3PL members businesses flourish. Our mission is to empower small businesses with cost-effective warehousing solutions. ReadySpaces has a broad reach, with 30+ locations across the US & Canada. This is not a guarantee, but in markets where we exist with other competitors we are almost always the better value option.

Provides a high quality of service, with a focus on eCommerce businesses. SaltBox offers custom solutions that can include any combination of in-house and/or third-party services (fulfillment, pick & pack, etc..). However, their service has limitations regarding scalability & growth. SaltBox only currently operates in 9 major metropolitan areas in the US and the premium price points can make it difficult for small businesses to grow.

While WareSpace offers a similar range of services to ReadySpaces, they fall short in terms of cost-effectiveness and location availability. When we reached out they didn’t offer any 3PL services or offer to partner with any members for services. They do offer climate-controlled warehouses but ReadySpaces provides a more affordable solution, ensuring businesses get the most value for their investment. Warespace is also limited in their location offering; primarily on the east coast this can be limiting to small businesses with big dreams.

Cubework boasts an impressive list of locations and a familiar service offering for cowarehousing; conference rooms, common areas, loading docks, forklifts, and WiFi, however, these are an added premium to your warehouse fees so the pricing is not an all-inclusive bundle.

When it comes to comparing the competition don’t take our word for it, go out and tour all facilities in your area when looking for a space for your business. Depending on your needs, one of these co-warehousing brands may work best for you even if it’s not ReadySpaces were still here to support small businesses and want you to find the space that best suits your needs. It’s essential to do as much research as possible and weigh all of your options.

Cowarehousing is an innovative solution for businesses seeking flexible, cost-effective storage and workspace options. With its comprehensive range of services, flexible lease terms, and commitment to customer success, ReadySpaces is an industry-leading cowarehousing provider that can help your business thrive.

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